Accommodation Website
Accommodation Website Package
$1500package price
Includes the following:
- Full custom website design, up to 10 pages.
- Online Booking system* (see below)
- Photo Galleries
- Contact Form
- 1 Domain Name (1 year registration)
- Website hosting (1 year registration)
- Business email addresses and hosting
- Weekly site backups and security updates.
Ongoing annual fees.
- Domain name registration
- $25 each per year
- Website and email hosting
- $150 per year
- Backups and security updates
- $150 per year
*The online booking system we use and recommend suits small to medium accommodation properties. It has very minimal fees attached, so any money you take for accommodation stays with you.
Check out their website here. If you choose to use Rooms to Move, KBD Web Design can help do all the set up for you.
If you choose another booking system, we make sure it integrates to your website and help you with any questions.